Nintendo Switch Games API

A free and easy to use JSON API for Nintendo Switch Games.


id: u32

Get the game for the given id.

title: string

Search for a game with the given title. This is a case-insensitive exact match. Use '%' as a wildcard.

order: string

Sort the results by the given order. Must be one of discount, price, release, sale_start, title or updated. Defaults to sale_start. When discount or sale_start are used, sale is forced to true

asc: bool

Sort results in ascending or descending order. Defaults to true.

page: u16

The page number. Default to 1.

limit: u16

The number of records to return per page. Default to 10. Cannot exceed 1000.

include_total: bool

Whether or not to include the total number of matching results. Defaults to false. Getting the total is relatively expensive, so please only set this when necessary. For example, when navigating from page to page, the total will not change.

dlc: bool

Filter DLCs. This is a tri-state parameter; excluding the parameter means "any".

dlc_for: u32

DLCs for the specific game.

sale: bool

Filter games on sale. This is a tri-state parameter; excluding the parameter means "any".

size_min: u32

Minimum size, in MiB.

size_max: u32

Maximum size, in MiB.

price_min: u16

Minimum price, in cents.

price_max: u16

Maximum price, in cents.

players_single_min: u16

Minimum number of players on a single device.

players_single_max: u16

Maximum number of players on a single device.

players_local_min: u16

Minimum number of players on a local wireless.

players_local_max: u16

Maximum number of players on a local wireless.

players_online_min: u16

Minimum number of online players.

players_online_max: u16

Maximum number of online players.