Asset Proxy API

Any request made with a path prefix of /v1/ will be proxies (or served from the local cache) to the upstream specified by the required up querystring parameter.

GET /v1/*
upstring [1..100]

The upstream to use as configured in the configuration file upstreams.

xformstring [1..100]

The transformation to use as configured for the specified upstream in the configuration file. This parameter is only meaningful when the upstream resource is a png, webp, jpg or gif.

Depends on the upstream's response

curl ""


up querystring parameter is invalid (does not match a configured upstream name).


xform querystring parameter is invalid (not not match a configured transformation for the specified upstream).


Upstream resource not found. For protection against denial of service (DOS) attacks, Assets will not cache the entire entire response of a 404. Instead it returns this simple error.

The general error section details Assets's error responses as well as detailing all errors, including global errors, such as validation and internal server errors.